Before I start off trying to sell you on my deer hunts, I need to let you know - I ONLY sell my deer hunts as a second species, and on a limited basis. Times have changed in Canada, and many Deer Breeders that sell stocker bucks to hunt ranches are no longer in business due to Chronic Wasting Disease. I can no longer buy deer, so I a limited to what I have here on the ranch, and only offering a small handfull of whitetail hunts each year.
Our hunters are treated to an exceptional hunting environment, but can also witness first hand some of the best, high-quality, trophy deer hunting available to the sportsman. This combination creates the ultimate hunt for trophy bucks. With a resident breeding program on the ranch and our heavily timbered preserve, creates a hunt equally as challenging as anything you will find in the wild. To harvest, let alone witness, a 200 plus whitetail in the wild is less than 1 in a 5 million, but to see one with your own eyes, coming into your guides rattling, is a sight that will remain etched into your memory forever. At Silvertine we hunt in elevated box blinds over bait plots, so we do not disturb the deer during their feeding times, and they come right in. Our blinds are comfortable, roomy, soundproof, heated, and allow the hunter to take their time and make a good shot. If it's an average buck for yourself, or a monster you desire, we have some great deer. In 2007 we started our own breeding program for our Whitetails, and now 15 years later our hunters are reaping the benefits! Managing our Bucks and Does for quality has been our backbone. This a REAL HUNT, and VERY Fair Chase! These deer live and die on this ranch, and are SUPER SPOOKY! Even though these deer are "Fenced In", all of our hunters say these deer are wild suckers and exactly like hunting any other whitetail deer anywhere else, just that we can control the hunting pressure and harvest to allow the deer to grow to maturity, supplement them with feed and manage the genetic base for trophy quality. The average typical deer for us is 180", and Non-Typical is 220+". each year we have a few that will exceed this mark. Photos on this page are every deer we have harvested at Silvertine up to 2022. UNLIKE MOST RANCHES, ALL OUR DEER HUNTS ARE FULLY GUIDED FOR OPTIMUM SAFETY AND TROPHY SELECTION. Any questions on this feel free to contact me at 306-304-8885 or by email at [email protected] |
Copyright © Silvertine Wildlife Co. 1994-2025 I Steve Rahn I Box 4, Rapid View, Saskatchewan, Canada, S0M-2M0
Phone/Text: 306-304-8885 Email: [email protected] Silvertine Ranching Co. Privacy Policy |